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Socialization and Palm Oil Malam Incubation: Support Palm Oil Industrial Development in Indonesia

Doc. of PFMA for InfoSAWIT/On 2 - 3 May 2024, Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA) was in cooperation with CV. Smart Batik Indonesia to socialize and palm oil malam in City of Cirebon.
Socialization and Palm Oil Malam Incubation: Support Palm Oil Industrial Development in Indonesia

InfoSAWIT, CIREBON – Batik industries in Indonesia keep developing not only as valuable products of culture but also as the source of living for thousands batik crafters locally. In this context Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA) tried its best to introduce new innovation to enliven the spirit of batik industries which is by using malam in palm oil – base.

On 2 - 3 May 2024, PFMA in cooperation with CV. Smart Batik Indonesia was about to conduct socialization and palm oil malam incubation. It was running successfully in Yogyakarta in March 2024. Many batik crafters attended the event in Cirebon and surroundings.

Head of Creative Small and Medium Business PFMA, Helmi Muhansyah said that the goal of the event was about to socialize batik industries to many regions in Indonesia. “It is hoped the participants would develop what they got during the workshop and implement in their regions,” Helmi said, as in the official statement to InfoSAWIT, Saturday (4/5/2024).

The workshop started from the socialization about batik malam. The goal was about to introduce the understanding of malam to the participants and the potential to support and develop batik industries. The participant got the chance to get direct practices by the instruction of the experts. PFMA also took Smart Batik Indonesia, as the pioneer to develop palm oil batik to make sure that the event would run well and successfully.

CEO Smart Batik, Miftahun Nur Ihsan said that every participant should understand about palm oil batik well, starting from the making of palm oil malam up to producing batik using palm oil malam.

“The participants even directly practiced how to make batik product with the motive "Gurdo Sawit", the specific motive of Smart Batik that symbolized hope to make batik industries go forward nationally,” Miftahun Nur Ihsan.

The event also did competition to produce batik by using palm oil malam. Many participants and even students from Cirebon joined it as the place to regenerate batik crafters in Indonesia. They had a chance to win development cash and certificate from PFMA that took participation.

By the collaboration between PFMA and Smart Batik Indonesia, it is hoped that the socialization and palm oil malam incubation would support batik industries nationally namely in palm oil malam application. It is hoped there would be new generations that excited to develop batik industries to higher level in Indonesia. (T2)