InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – PT Kayung Agro Lestari (KAL), the subsidiary of PT Austindo Nusantara Jaya Tbk. (ANJ) awarded its partners in Regency of Ketapang, West Kalimantan Province for their commitment to implement sustainable palm oil practices. The award was in the form of sustainable premium price to Koperasi Laman Mayang Sentosa (LMS), Monday, 13 May 2024 in the office of the cooperation.
Koperasi LMS that consists of 624 smallholders and cultivate 2.079,25 hectares sustainable palm oil plantation, got Rp 1.192.687.882 of the premium price. It was symbolically handed over by General Manager KAL, Dadi, to the Chairman of Koperasi LMS, Jamhari.
In his speech, Dadi said that the premium would be appreciation of KAL for what the smallholders dedicated through Koperasi LMS in implementing sustainable pratices and cultivation through Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) certificate.
“The award would be the third time for LMS from KAL and it would be the evidence of commitment of the company to support and respect its partners – the smallholders in producing sustainable palm oil,” Dadi said, as in the official statement to InfoSAWIT, Friday (17/5/2024).
Jamhari, Chairman of Koperasi LMS thanked KAL for its commitment to help, escalate the smallholders’ welfare managed by Koperasi LMS. It was proved that the numbers of premium price got escalated from KAL in every single year. “This achievement would be from the good cooperation between KAL and the coordinators of LMS to get and realize the same goal, which is, to escalate the smallholders’ performance and welfare,” Jamhari said.
In the event, Edi Radiansyah, SH., MH, Head of Cooperation and Micro, Small, and Medium Business Regency of Ketapang said that the cooperation could escalate the life of its members and people around. “The investment that the cooperation provide should be taken for advantages by the people to conduct economic activities. That is why it needs to maintain good cooperation, escalate it to get harmonious relation among the company, the people and related agencies,” Edi said.
KAL handed over the premium price to other cooperation, they were, Koperasi Lestari Abadi Bersama (LAB) and Koperasi Bina Satong Lestari (BSL). The total premium escalated from the previous years, or reached Rp 1.322.965.233.
"Through sustainable policy, ANJ consistently implements the best practices in its whole operational. We do hope the premium would motivate the smallholders to always implement their best sustainable practices and maintain the certificate to escllate the future premium production,” Dadi said. (T2)