InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – Crude palm oil (CPO) tender at PT. Kharisma Pemasaran Bersama Nusantara (KPBN) Inacom was Rp 12.156/kg on Wednesday (15/5/2024). It means it got escalated Rp 48/kg or about 0,4% to Tuesday (14/5/2024) tender that was Rp 12.108/kg.
What InfoSAWIT got from KPBN, CPO Franco in Belawan and Dumai was Rp 12.156/Kg.
Crude palm kernel oil (CPKO) in Lampung was Rp. 15.543/kg but in withdraw (WD) with the highest bid Rp. 7.250/kg.
CPO price at Malaysia Derivatives Exchange got escalated. As quoted from Reuters, CPO contract price with the code FCPOc3 could be in stable zone with the support RM 3.760 – RM 3.787 per metric ton and would be more.
Still from Reuters, the increasing price from the lowest level on 10 May which was at RM 3.767 per ton might consist of three phases. The increasing phase should actually end in the support zone, approaching the lower limit line. The upper limit should be heading at RM 3.899 per ton while lower limit line should be at RM 3.760 per ton. This would be the change to get at RM 3.675 – RM 3.717 per ton.
Here are tenders at KPBN (Rp./Kg), excluded income tax on Wednesday (15/5/2024):
Franco Belawan and Dumai Rp. 12.156-EOP, EUP
Lampung Rp. 15.543 (WD) with the highest bid Rp. 7.250-SIP