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The Finance of SSMS Got Increased by The Early of 2024: Increasing Profits and Income

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The Finance of SSMS Got Increased by The Early of 2024: Increasing Profits and Income

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA - PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk (SSMS) successfully got achievement in the first quarter of 2024 by getting increasing income and profits. In the period, SSMS got income about Rp 2,51 trillion from the contracts with consumers. This showed the increasing income up to 29,65 percent from the same period last year that reached Rp 1,94 trillion.

In the segmentation analysis, the trade of businesses for the consumers that reached more than 10% of the total trade in the company were dominated by Borneo Agri-Resources International Pte. Ltd., that contributed Rp 1,28 trillion or 53 percent of the total income in SSMS.

According to the financial report of SSMS published in the official page of Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), the net profits of the company that were attributed to the main company also increased significantly up to be Rp 276,90 billion or 14,42 percent per 31 March 2024 to last year period that reached Rp 242,00 billion.

The increasing profits of SSMS could be attributed to efficient financial management within controlled cost of goods sole reaching Rp 174 trillion and gross profits about Rp 771,37 billion.

The business profits of the company also increased to be Rp 540,72 billion in the first quarter of 2024, got escalated from Rp 494,68 billion prior. By the positive achievement, the profits per share of the company got escalated to be Rp 29,07 per stock from Rp 25,41 per stock prior.

As InfoSAWIT quoted from Emiten News, in the trade balance, the assets of SSMS per 31 March 2024 got escalated to be Rp 12,15 trillion from the previous period that reached Rp 11,81 trillion. It significantly escalated to be Rp 2,28 trillion from Rp 1,98 trillion, while the liability keeps being controlled at Rp 9,86 trillion.

One most striking achievement in the financial performance of the company was that the leap of net cash from the operation that reached Rp 438,35 billion on 31 March 2024 while the previous period last year it just reached minus Rp 205,65 billion. (T2)