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The Changes in Palm Oil OF Calculation

The Changes in Palm Oil OF Calculation

INFO SAWIT, JAKARTA – Based on the Regulation of Secretary of Treasury (RST) No. 136/PMK.010/2015 about the fourth change to RST No. 75/PMK.011/2015 about the Making of Exports having Out Fee (OF) and the tariff of OF, the crude palm oil (CPO) and the derivative OF will be changed from percentage to be metric ton (MT).

Head in duty of Fiscal Policy Board, Suahasil Nazara, Wednesday (29/7) said, the change is to ease the calculation of palm oil OF tariff.

“It means, there is a centain denomination to multiply. The change of percentage to be USD/MT will not significantly effect for it will be adjustable to the state nominal of OF. So the fixed nominal is in the certain range. It means, the higher range is, the higher OF will be,” he explained.

The new RST, he continued, just regulates the lowest OF, which reaching US$ 3/MT, and the highest one is US$ 200/MT. (T3)