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After Smallholders Do ISPO, Their FFB Increases

After Smallholders Do ISPO, Their FFB Increases

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA - Sustainable palm oil plantation practices through ISPO scheme is not mandatory for the smallholders yet. But Joko Prasetyo of Sawahlunto, West Sumatera Province thought, ISPO is a must-standard for the smallholders to get. “It is not mandatory yet but in the future every smallholder should fulfill the standards,” he recently said to InfoSAWIT.

ISPO is not much different from RSPO. Independent smallholders in Asosiasi Pekebun Swadaya Kelapa Sawit Pelalawan Siak (APSKS PS) had no issue when implementing ISPO scheme. Joko also mentioned, according to Musim Mas’ developers, ISPO will be mandatory for smallholders in the next five years.

Joko also admitted, if independent smallholders having no third side – partnership, implement ISPO, they will be difficult to do it. But for APSKS PS is developed by Musim Mas, ISPO is easier to implement.

By implementing ISPO, smallholders do realize BMP, like the company implements good agricultural practices (GAP), ISPO and RSPO Principles and Criteria, work health and safety, socially plantation cultivation, gender policy, high conservation values, family nutrition, family financial management, safely pesticide application.

As the result, the cultivation is more environmental, FFB production increases, Joko said. Smallholders’ income also increases though there is not incentive yet from ISPO certificate. “But at least, we have obeyed what the government regulates,” he said. (T2)

Source: InfoSAWIT, November 2021