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Papua Governor Official Encourages Palm Oil and Marine Sector Development

Foto by Bernardus Ritchard/sawit fest 2021
Papua Governor Official Encourages Palm Oil and Marine Sector Development

InfoSAWIT, JAYAPURA - Acting Governor of Papua, Ramses Limbong, has called for the development of a roadmap for palm oil plantation development to stimulate the establishment of processing factories in the region. Ramses emphasized the importance of this step to revive the potential of palm oil plantations in Papua.

"I urge the relevant departments to immediately draft this roadmap so that we can revitalize palm oil plantations in Papua. With this step, we can prepare to establish factories of a certain scale," Ramses stated in an official statement reported by InfoSAWIT on Monday, January 27, 2025.

In addition to palm oil plantations, Ramses also highlighted the significant potential of the marine sector that can be developed sustainably in Papua. He cited the success of Bitung, North Sulawesi, in the canned tuna industry, which has excelled in production and exports.

"The most urgent industrial development in Papua right now is the marine sector. The vast potential in Biak and Sarmi can follow in the footsteps of Bitung's success," he added.

Ramses also revealed that the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) of Papua will prioritize downstreaming in the agriculture, marine, and tourism sectors as the main focus of future development.

"We will focus on three main sectors: agriculture, marine, and tourism in our efforts to build Papua moving forward," Ramses asserted.

However, Ramses also acknowledged that the biggest challenge faced is land ownership issues, which often hinder investor interest in Papua.

"The main obstacle still faced in Papua is land ownership. This poses a significant barrier to investor interest," Ramses stated. Nevertheless, he is optimistic that over time, the community will increasingly understand the importance of downstream-based industrialization for the advancement of Papua. (T2)