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FPKMS and Agrarian Reform: Focus on Land Redistribution, Not New Land Development

Doc. InfoSAWIT
FPKMS and Agrarian Reform: Focus on Land Redistribution, Not New Land Development

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA - The FPKMS (Facilitation of Community Plantation Development) is an integral part of agrarian reform aimed at redistributing land for farmers in palm oil plantations. However, its implementation is challenging due to differing regulations between the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN).

According to Marselinus Andry from the Palm Oil Farmers Union (SPKS), FPKMS should utilize existing concessions or HGU (Hak Guna Usaha) covering 20% of the area, rather than opening new land that could threaten food land conversion and increase deforestation. However, inconsistencies in regulations between government agencies, as highlighted in a recent circular from the Directorate General of Plantations, pose significant challenges for implementation on the ground.

"There needs to be clearer clarification regarding the legal obligations of HGU holders, not only concerning plantation business partnerships but also FPKMS," Marselinus stated in a statement to InfoSAWIT on Saturday, January 18, 2025.

FPKMS, as regulated in Circular Letter No. 21/SE/PI.400/E/01/2025 from the Ministry of Agriculture, requires plantation companies to facilitate the development of community plantations amounting to 20% of their total business license area. However, the main challenge faced is the limited land available around plantations.

To address this, the circular provides flexibility for companies to fulfill their obligations through other productive business partnerships, including the cultivation of other commodities such as rice, in line with the government's program to achieve food self-sufficiency. (T2)