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Independent Palm Oil Farmers Commit to Sustainable Cultivation Practices

Doc. InfoSAWIT
Independent Palm Oil Farmers Commit to Sustainable Cultivation Practices

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA - Since its establishment in early 2005, the Palm Oil Farmers Union (SPKS) has felt the lack of attention from stakeholders towards independent palm oil plantations. SPKS's concern over the low productivity of smallholder plantations, traditional management practices, inadequate agricultural technology development, weak bargaining positions of farmers, substandard plantation infrastructure, social conflicts, human rights violations, and significant environmental damage has driven the organization to fully commit to sustainable palm oil production.

Officially recognized as a national legal entity since 2012, SPKS has continued to organize independent palm oil farmers across various palm oil plantation centers. The consolidation of farmers is achieved through the formation of farmer groups, uniting them within the SPKS organization that operates in different regions. "The institutionalization of palm oil farmers is crucial for managing their plantations effectively," said Sabarudin, the Chairman of SPKS, in a recent interview with InfoSAWIT.

As of 2024, SPKS has 76,700 members spread across 10 provinces known for palm oil cultivation, located in 21 districts and 419 villages. SPKS activities consistently support the improvement of governance in smallholder palm oil plantations to ensure they can operate independently while committing to best practices and sustainable cultivation.

This commitment to sustainable palm oil is pursued continuously through the mentoring of farmer groups and encouraging the establishment of farmer institutions in various villages. As a result, independent farmers continue to grow and expand in Indonesia.

According to Sabarudin, the presence of independent palm oil farmers in Indonesia plays a vital role in advancing the national palm oil sector. He believes that the independence of farmers in managing their plantations based on sustainable principles and criteria will yield high productivity from their harvests, thereby enhancing the welfare of independent palm oil farmers.

"The commitment of SPKS members to best and sustainable cultivation practices is very high," Sabarudin further stated, "The high productivity achieved from their harvests will drive the welfare of independent farmers to improve in the future."

Therefore, Sabarudin explained that the existence of SPKS as an organization for independent palm oil farmers in Indonesia requires substantial support and collaboration from stakeholders. Support from the Indonesian government for independent palm oil farmers, who are predominantly located in palm oil plantation centers, is essential to enhance their welfare.

"The commitment of independent palm oil farmers to sustainable palm oil always requires government support to improve their living standards," Sabarudin emphasized.

In agreement with Sabarudin, government representatives have also expressed the importance of collaboration, such as the partnership with the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil Commission (ISPO). As a mandatory sustainability certification required by the Indonesian government for palm oil plantations, the collaboration for the acceleration of ISPO certification is also being pursued by the government alongside SPKS. (T1)

Source: InfoSAWIT Magazine December 2024 Edition