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Three Aceh Polytechnic Lecturers Intern at PT ASN Meulaboh to Strengthen Palm Oil Curriculum

Document InfoSAWIT/One of the lecturers from Aceh Polytechnic received an explanation about the palm oil factory at PT ASN Meulaboh.
Three Aceh Polytechnic Lecturers Intern at PT ASN Meulaboh to Strengthen Palm Oil Curriculum

InfoSAWIT, MEULABOH – Three lecturers from Aceh Polytechnic are undergoing an industrial internship program at the palm oil processing plant (PKS) PT. Agro Sinergi Nusantara (ASN) Meulaboh, Aceh Barat, from December 18 to 21, 2024. This activity aims to strengthen the industry-based curriculum to improve the quality of education in the palm oil sector.

The three lecturers participating in the internship come from the Diploma III Mechatronics, Diploma III Electronics, and Diploma III Accounting study programs. They are Rizki Faulianur, S.ST., M.T., an Industrial Automation specialist from Mechatronics; Fakhruddin, S.ST., M.T., an Electrical Safety expert from Electronics Technology; and Sri Rani Fauziah, S.E., M.SM., Ak., CA., who has expertise in corporate accounting and serves as the Head of the Accounting Study Program.

This program is part of a strategic partnership between Aceh Polytechnic and palm oil industry partners that has been ongoing since 2022. The Director of Aceh Polytechnic, Dr. Hilmi, SE., M.Si., Ak., expressed that this activity is a tangible effort to enhance the quality of human resources. "The industrial experience provides new ideas for implementing the tridharma of higher education, including teaching, research, and community service," he stated in an official statement received by InfoSAWIT on Friday (December 20, 2024).

Dr. Hilmi also expressed appreciation to PT. ASN Meulaboh for facilitating the industrial experience provided. According to him, direct experience in the palm oil processing industry will enrich the lecturers' insights to develop a curriculum that is relevant to the needs of the industry sector.

The internship program is specifically designed to strengthen the industry-based curriculum, particularly in courses related to palm oil processing. Rizki Faulianur, focusing on industrial automation, noted that the technology applied in the PKS offers new insights into factory automation management. Fakhruddin highlighted the importance of implementing workplace safety in the electrical field within the industrial environment. Meanwhile, Sri Rani Fauziah assessed that corporate accounting management in the palm oil sector inspires the development of more applicable learning modules.

Aceh Polytechnic hopes that this collaboration will continue to support innovation in vocational education in Aceh. The direct involvement of lecturers in the industry is expected to create graduates who are not only theoretically competent but also ready to face challenges in the workforce.

This program serves as evidence that the synergy between education and industry is key to advancing the palm oil sector in Indonesia, especially in Aceh. With an increasingly relevant curriculum, it is hoped that the vocational education sector can continue to support the sustainability of the palm oil industry, which is a mainstay of the regional economy. (T2)