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West Kalimantan’s Palm Oil FFB Prices for Early December 2024: Highest at IDR 3,409.61/Kg

foto by Endra Prakoso/Sawit Fest 2021
West Kalimantan’s Palm Oil FFB Prices for Early December 2024: Highest at IDR 3,409.61/Kg

InfoSAWIT, PONTIANAK – The Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB) Pricing Team of West Kalimantan Province has announced the FFB prices for the first period of December 2024, applicable for payments between December 1-7, 2024. The highest price was set at IDR 3,409.61/Kg for palm oil trees aged 10-20 years.

Based on data from the West Kalimantan Plantation and Livestock Service, the following prices have been set for FFB according to tree age:

  • 3 years: IDR 2,547.23/Kg
  • 4 years: IDR 2,724.38/Kg
  • 5 years: IDR 2,911.70/Kg
  • 6 years: IDR 3,003.10/Kg
  • 7 years: IDR 3,112.02/Kg
  • 8 years: IDR 3,210.35/Kg
  • 9 years: IDR 3,264.51/Kg
  • 10-20 years: IDR 3,409.61/Kg

For older trees, the prices are as follows:

  • 21 years: IDR 3,349.27/Kg
  • 22 years: IDR 3,333.84/Kg
  • 23 years: IDR 3,253.35/Kg
  • 24 years: IDR 3,142.84/Kg
  • 25 years: IDR 3,039.15/Kg

Additionally, the price of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) has been set at IDR 14,845.50/Kg, Palm Kernel at IDR 10,271.23/Kg, with a K index of 91.90%. (T2)

Disclaimer: These prices are based on data from the local Plantation Office and may differ from field prices.