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Delima Hasri Azhari: Would be Committed to Develop The Strategic Commodities Nationally

Doc. of InfoSAWIT/ Delima Hasri Azhari is familiar in palm oil plantation sectors in Indonesia.
Delima Hasri Azhari: Would be Committed to Develop The Strategic Commodities Nationally

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA –Delima Hasri Azhari is familiar figure in palm oil plantation sectors in Indonesia. Her significant roles to develop palm oil plantations and industries made her as one figure to be counted on. She was the commissioner at PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN), one enterprise company that operated in plantation sectors nationally.

The graduate female from Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) said that she would be more active to develop the plantation sectors. When she was active at PTPN in Jambi and West Sumatera Province (PTPN VI), Delima said the big potential of two commodities, such as, rubber and palm oil in the province. “We are ready to get involved in plantations in Jambi and West Sumatera. We do hope the governors would positively respond us,” she said, as InfoSAWIT quoted, Wednesday, (23/10/2024).

Besides, Delima is also the Chairman of Yayasan Solidaridad Networking Indonesia (YSNI) East Kalimantan, the non-government organization that is pro-palm oil and plantation commodities to empower the farmers/smallholders in West Kalimantan and East Kalimantan Province. For information, East Kalimantan Province has developed an ambitious program ‘One Million Hectare Palm Oil Plantation’ or "Sejuta Hektar Sawit". Delima thought this would be the golden chance to maximize commodity development as the mainstay product in Indonesia for all these years. She thought, PTPN would be able to plant and develop palm oil sustainably in the areas that the region would allocate.

Delima Hasri Azhari has incredible track records to support the plantation sectors in this country. Her experiences would not be about palm oil only but also in many organizations that related to agriculture and other commodities. When being in many significant positions in many institutions, including as the Chairman of Board of Supervisors of Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia (SCAI) since 2017 and Chairman of Yayasan Solidaridad Network Indonesia since 2016.

Not only that, she was active as the Chairman of Gabungan Perusahaan Perkebunan Indonesia (GPPI) since 2014, the III Vice Chairman of Indonesian Palm Oil Board since 2012. She was part of the coordinators of Himpunan Kerukunan Tani Indonesia (HKTI) in 2020 – 2025 and the coordinators of Pusat Ikatan Alumni Lemhannas (IKAL) in the same period. These showed her commitment to develop agriculture and plantation sectors nationally.

Not only in plantations, Delima also showed her dedication in research and development of agricultural economy. She was the member of Board of Supervisors of Perhimpunan Ekonomi Pertanian Indonesia (PERHEPI) and the Chairman of Forum Profesional Sriwijaya since 2001. Having graduated in agricultural economy from Institut Pertanian Bogor and doctoral degree from University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, Delima would deliver the academic perspectives to work at plantation and agricultural sectors.

For her experiences, Delima Hasri Azhari would be one significant figure to encourage food sovereignty nationally. Her involvement to develop palm oil and rubber would be the strategic things to support the government’s programs to realize food and energy self-sufficiency. (T1)