InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – Ministry of Trade officially published the Regulation of Minister of Trade (RMT) Number 26 / 2024 about Palm Oil Derivative Product Exports. It expanded product lists to qualify domestic market obligation (DMO) of Minyakita, from four to be five products.
RMT Number 26/2024 that would be officially available since on 11 October 2024 substituted RMT Number 50/2022. The goal would be about to support the sustainability in minyak goreng rakyat (MGR) program by providing packaged palm cooking oil with the brand ‘Minyakita’ so the people would turn their bulk palm cooking oil to be packaged one.
The previous regulation, palm oil derivative products that should qualify the terms and condition in DMO, covered crude palm oil (CPO); refined, bleached, and deodorized palm oil (RBDPO), refined, bleached, and deodorized palm olein (RBDPL), and used cooking oil (UCO). In the new regulation, Ministry of Trade added palm oil waste processed products - palm oil mill effluent (POME), high acid palm oil residue (HAPOR), and empty fruit bunch oil (EFB oil) that would should qualify DMO.
As InfoSAWIT quoted from Kompas, Wednesday (23/10/2024), Director of Daily Goods and Significant Products, Bambang Wisnubroto said, POME, HAPOR, and EFB oil exports got significantly increased in the past two years - from 300.000 tons to be 1,8 million tons. This would be positive to increase the supply for Minyakita that could be increasing about 15 percent from the three products.
“This would be the same with what government published to change the people’s consumption habit from bulk palm cooking oil to packaged one,” Bambang said in the coordination meeting to control the inflation in many regions that Ministry of Internal Affairs conducted in Jakarta, Monday (21/10/2024).
For the new palm oil derivative products listed in DMO scheme, it is hoped that packaged palm cooking oil with the brand ‘Minyakita’ would have the guarantee and fulfill the needs in this country more stable. (T2)