InfoSAWIT, TANGERANG – Ministry of Trade took every planter and exporter from Indonesia to understand more about carbon policy to many importer countries namely European Union (EU) Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).
By understanding the regulation, it is hoped the planters would get the impacts and what to do to maintain the export activities in EU.
In the description in a seminar with the theme “Kebijakan CBAM Uni Eropa: Apa yang Perlu Diketahui Pengusaha Indonesia?”, Thursday, Director of Bilateral Negotiation, Ministry of Trade, Johni Martha said that it has been running since 2023 in phase.
He thought, the policy would cover some sectors, such as, iron and steel, aluminum, cement, fertilizers, energy and would potentially cover other products in the future.
“We do hope by this forum we would understand more to face CBAM together with the right efforts,” Johni said, as InfoSAWIT quoted, Wednesday (16/10/2024).
Meanwhile, Brussel Trade Attache, Antonius Annurrullah Budiman said that EU CBAM would deliver the impacts for some commodities from Indonesia, such as, aluminum, iron and steel, and also fertilizers. The stakeholders, he continued, should do some things to qualify the terms and conditions in CBAM, such as, carbon numbers that many EU importers required.
Intermediate expert of Trade Analysis, Ministry of Trade, Ferry Samuel Jacob said that EU CBAM was formulated to prevent carbon leak and would support the climate change mitigation. Based on what Ministry of Trade studied, the policy would potentially deliver the negative to product exports from Indonesia namely in the short and medium term. It needs adaptive action from the government and the stakeholders themselves.
Deputy Supervisor Director of Carbon Exchange, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), Wahyudi Ali Adam said that Indonesia has its mechanism and regulation about carbon trade through carbon exchange. It was regulated in the Laws Number 4 / 2023 about Financial Sector Reinforcement and development and was reinforced by the Regulation of OJK Number 14 / 2023. Carbon trade in Indonesia should be developed and help the stakeholders to face every carbon track policy from the partners countries including about CBAM.
For having more understanding about CBAM, the Indonesia’s stakeholdes should be more prepared to face the regulation and maintain the export competition in the world, particularly in EU. (T2)