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Nextgreen Processed Empty Bunches to be Pulp and Paper

Doc. InfoSAWIT
Nextgreen Processed Empty Bunches to be Pulp and Paper

InfoSAWIT, KUALA LUMPUR - Two decades ago, Dato’ Lim Thiam Huat, the founder and CEO of Nextgreen had the vision to change palm oil biomass waste to be higher value – product and reduce environmental impacts from the industries. From the idea, he started researching to process the abundant empty fruit bunch (EFB) to be pulp. It eventually got patent technology of Nextgreen that changed palm oil biomass to be sustainable products.

By implementing integrated bio-process with no waste, Taman Teknologi Hijau (Green Technology Park) of Nextgreen conversed the side products from palm oil production to be valuable products, including pulp and paper, animal woof, and renewable energy. These days, Nextgreen is in the front line in green economy, opening the ways for other commodity industries to solve waste with the same innovation solution.

As InfoSAWIT quoted from the official page of Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), Nextgreen was established from the will to get solution for the environmental issues from palm oil industries in Malaysia, the second biggest palm oil industries in the country. With his background in construction industry, Lim searched to change the wastes or rests of materials that could be re-used. At the time, the industries did not know circular economic innovation. But Lim saw the chance to solve biomass issues, particularly empty fruit bunch that was the big issue at the time.

Nextgreen was the pioneer of the innovation to solve palm oil industrial issue by conversing EFB to be high value – products. He said,"We would confirm that there would be zero waste, no troubled side products, no more negative impacts for the environment.” The innovation was the basic to change the wastes to be energy and taking advantage on circular economic concepts. (T2)

Source: Majalah InfoSAWIT, August 2024