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Ombudsman: Significant to get Clean Governance for Sustainable Palm Oil Industries

Doc. of InfoSAWIT/The member of Ombudsman Indonesia, Yeka Hendra Fatika (the left) discussed about the good and clean governance in palm oil industries.
Ombudsman: Significant to get Clean Governance for Sustainable Palm Oil Industries

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – The member of Ombudsman Indonesia, Yeka Hendra Fatika said that it would be significant to get clean and good palm oil industrial governance in Indonesia. He said it when being a speaker in the "Workshop Penguatan Tata Kelola Sawit Indonesia" that Asosiasi Petani Kelapa Sawit Indonesia (DPP APKASINDO) conducted, Wednesday in the auditorium of Ministry of Agriculture.

In his description, he said that palm oil sectors played the strategic roles in the national scale – economy. But it needed to remind that without having transparent governance, free from mal-administration, the sustainable industries would get interrupted. “The good and clean governance would confirm that palm oil industries in this country would be developing with high competitiveness in the globe,” he said, as InfoSAWIT quoted, Saturday (12/10/2024)

He also said about mal-administration that kept happening in the public services namely about palm oil (management), in this case, the permit and legal enforcement. He thought, this would always postpone palm oil industrial development and deliver losses for the smallholders. “Mal – administration in palm oil governance often takes place in the public service level, starting from the permit to the legal enforcement. Ombudsman would keep encouraging the government to improve the monitoring system and the administration,” he said.

To improve these, he took the smallholders and others to actively play their roles to supervise the government’s policies about palm oi and emphasized it would be significant to get collaboration among the government, the smallholders, and the people to confirm that every policy would effectively run without fraud. “The smallholders and people’s active roles would be very significant to monitor the government’s policies about palm oil so that every policy would be effectively running without any fraud,” he said.

The workshop would be the important moment to reinforce palm oil industrial governance by emphasizing mal-administration prevention and involving every related party to maintain the sustainability that would have something to do with the economy of this country. (T2)