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EUDR Could Be Postponed: Time To Accelerate Electronic - Cultivation Document and Consolidate

Doc. InfoSAWIT/Head of Fortasbi Secretariat, Rukaiyah Rafik (second from left)
EUDR Could Be Postponed: Time To Accelerate Electronic - Cultivation Document and Consolidate

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – The plan to implement European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) by the early of 2025, would be postponed for one year. This would deliver time for smallholders that got no access to available technology and modal to qualify the terms and conditions in European countries. Technical helps and supports in EUDR would be the main focuses in the postponement time.

Since EUDR was planned, the Government of Indonesia, namely through Ministry of Agriculture did significant things to prepare the smallholders, such as, by accelerating the registration and planters’ data through electric sistem terpadu pendaftaran usaha budidaya perkebunan untuk pekebun (STDB) or e-cultivation document. This was formulated to confirm traceability for palm oil products from the production sources.

Forum Petani Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan Indonesia (Fortasbi) thought, EUDR implementation should be considered as the chance for the government to seriously improve palm oil plantation/industrial governance, as one main exports from Indonesia. “E-Cultivation Document and certificate acceleration should be reinforced. This could be the chance to confirm 2,5 million independent smallholders would get e-cultivation documents and Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certificate,” Head of Fortasbi Secretariat, Rukaiyah Rafik said in the official statement, as InfoSAWIT quoted, Thursday (10/10/2024).

She also emphasized that EUDR implementation should not be in rush without considering the impacts for the smallholders that might be reaching millions of men in Indonesia. Uki, her familiar name also reminded that EUDR should be the tools to improve commodities’ governance, such as, palm oil, in holistic ways without putting the smallholders aside from the supply chain in the continent.

Uki also mentioned that the independent smallholders have started implementing sustainable cultivation since the last decade. But to qualify EUDR, it would need the strong collaboration among many parties, such as, civil organizations, the governments, the companies, and the people of Europe. “It would be significant to get collaboration and confirm that the independent smallholders would obey every regulation that Europe would,” she said.

She also proposed ISPO certification mechanism in Indonesia should be acknowledged as the tool in EUDR implementation. This would be the same with ISPO certification acceleration in Indonesia and would help accelerate EUDR qualification for the independent ones. (T2)