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KPPU Would Reinforce Palm Oil Partnership Supervision

Doc. of InfoSAWIT/ Task Force Coordinator of Directorate of Partnership Supervision Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU), Indra Sofian.
KPPU Would Reinforce Palm Oil Partnership Supervision

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – Palm oil partnership supervision by Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) is now supported by the close regulation. It is hoped there would be continuous improvement in partnership implementations; the trust principle and profitable benefits would remain always.

Task Force Coordinator of Directorate of Partnership Supervision (KPPU), Indra Sofian got the good news. It was about the latest publication about palm oil partnership supervision – the Regulation of KPPU Number 2 / 2024 about The Procedures for Supervision and Handling Partnership Cases. It would be the regulation to deliver good news in law enforcement about palm oil partnerships in Indonesia.

Indra really knew that the regulation would be not only documents signed and kept in the book – shelf. This would be the important pillar to change palm oil partnership images namely about transparency and accountability. Prior, when examining partnership cases, many palm oil plantation companies just sent their workers to attend examination. But by the new one, the management of the company should come in persons, deliver answers that KPPU would question.

“The presence of the management of company in the examination would not be formal only but also as the strong message that the company should be seriously handling the partnership. The company should not let and hand over every case to its workers in the fiel,” Indra said to InfoSAWIT in the midst of August 2024.

The regulation emphasized that it would be significant to prevent than punishment. There would be some phases before a case would get into a trial. There would be written warning for 30 days to recover the relationship. Then there would be second written warning if there would be no improvement. If the company still neglect, the case would be taken to the court with the potential / much fine. But Indra emphasized the main spirit of the regulation is the changing action. (T2)

for more, please read Majalah InfoSAWIT, August 2024