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The Ways to Boost Palm Oil Productivity in Marginal Areas

Doc. of InfoSAWIT/The book “Budidaya Kelapa Sawit: Hasil Selangit Secara Berkelanjutan” is the good reference for those who want to know the good cultivation practices in palm oil plantations.
The Ways to Boost Palm Oil Productivity in Marginal Areas

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA - Palm oil is one plantation commodity that plays strategic roles for the economy of Indonesia. Besides, it also provides employment in many sectors namely for the people around the plantations in many regions.

But the fast palm oil plantation development made first class (S-1) area availability limited. As the result palm oil plantation development started in marginal areas. Of course, this would have the limited factors. If the plantations in marginal areas are not cultivated well, the production results could be decreasing

To solve it, it needs to implement intensification through best management practices (BMP) that many planters conducted. The goal would be about to maximize the production even though the plantations develop in marginal areas. Such areas need the right cultivation so that palm oil would produce well and sustainably as same as the commitment of the Government of Inodnesia to develop sustainable development through Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO).

The book “Budidaya Kelapa Sawit: Hasil Selangit Secara Berkelanjutan” should be the right reference for anyone who wants to know the good cultivation in palm oil plantations. This book was written and typed by experienced practitioners in the planting and cultivation. The cultivation practices provided in the book would sustainably escalate palm oil plantation productivity.

The 118 page – book would discuss about the cultivation optimally in marginal areas, such as, in spodosol, peat, and sandy areas. It is also about BMP, for instance. (T2)

for more, please read Book Info, Majalah InfoSAWIT, July 2024