InfoSAWIT, YOGYAKARTA –INSTIPER Yogyakarta, one educational institution in forestry and plantation sectors, re-showed its commitment to deliver superior and ready to work – human resources in many industries. In the academic year of 2024/2025, INSTIPER got about 741 new students from 27 provinces in Indonesia. They are mostly from North Sumatera, Riau, and Central Kalimantan Province.
Director of INSTIPER Yogyakarta, Harsawardana in the opening ceremony of study in INSTIPER Yogyakarta on 2 September 2024 at Grha INSTIPER, said that INSTIPER Yogyakarta was trusted by many government’s partners and companies to deliver education for the students in scholarship scheme. 31% or 242 new students in academic year of 2024/2025 would get scholarships, such as, from Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PO PFMA), General Directorate of Plantation, and companies, such as, PT. PP London Sumatra, Wilmar International, Asian Agri, and PT. Mahitala Ingkeng Gemah.
"INSTIPER Yogyakarta is the trusted educational institution to deliver superior human resources that would work in many industries. With the core competency in forestry and plantation sectors, and good cooperation with many industries, our students would get the big chances to get achievements and work in the industries after graduating (from INSTIPER),” Harsawardana said, as in the official statement to InfoSAWIT, Tuesday (3/9/2024).
He also mentioned that the curriculums were formulated by involving many companies as the work partners to be the superiority that INSTIPER Yogyakarta offered. Besides, the internship which would be the implementation from Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) would be the superior education in INSTIPER. By the early of August 2024, 491 students went to get apprentice in many companies.
In the event, the new students got public lecture from some industrial practitioners, for instance, Eko Prasetyo Wibisono, Chief Human Capital PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk., that discussed about palm oil plantation human resource needs in the future; Arfie Thahar, Head of Service Program Division Directorate of Fund Distribution PO PFMA that discussed about the significance to get human resources and research to support sustainable palm oil industries.
INSTIPER Yogyakarta would be committed to deliver the space for the students to develop their competency through co-curricular in the form of INSTIPER Academy. It was formulated to support the graduate’s achievement in MBKM era, intensively deliver training out of curricular.
Head of Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi (LLDikti) Region V, Prof. Setyabudi Indartono mentioned that the new students should actively take parts in many activities in MBKM era, such as, apprentice, research, and students’ exchange. He thought these would increase their chances to be successful when working (in many companies).
The new students at INSTIPER would join some activities, such as, orientasi kampus dan kenal kebun that would be on 29 August to 7 September 2024. It was designed to help them adapt with campus’ life and prepare them to get higher education at INSTIPER Yogyakarta. (T2)