InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – The elected Indonesian President, Prabowo Subianto would be committed to realize food and energy self-sufficiency in the next five years. In his speech when closing the congress of Partai Amanat Nasional, Sunday (25/8/2024), Prabowo mentioned his vision to make Indonesia as the world class – food barn and food – net exporter.
“We would be the food barn in the world,” he emphasized, as InfoSAWIT monitored. He also mentioned that Indonesia would immediately realize food self-sufficiency and would not depend on food material - imports.
Besides in food sector, Prabowo also emphasized it would be significant to realize energy self-sufficiency. Indonesia should not import diesel anymore because this country would depend on biodiesel from palm oil. “Fuel would be from palm oil called biodiesel. We have realized biodiesel mandatory program up to 35 percent or B35 and would be accelerated to be B50,” he said.
He predicted by having B50, Indonesia would save billions of dollars every year. The numbers were used to get fuel imports in this country. “Rp 300 trillion would be around Indonesia,” he mentioned.
He also quoted some reports from some professors in Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) that mentioned Indonesia would be able to produce palm oil gasoline. This would confirm Indonesia as the biggest palm oil producer in the world.
Prabowo told his experience when meeting the President of French, Emmanuel Macron some time ago. He said that palm oil from Indonesia would be rejected by European Union. “Europe would not purchase our palm oil. We have to be grateful. I just said to President Macron that if European Union would ban palm oil from Indonesia, we would use it as the source of our energy,” he firmly said.
He thought, the key to realize the strong country would be by confirming food and energy security. “A country would be safe if we secure our food and energy. Indonesia should be fearless about currency fluctuation if our food and energy are guaranteed,” he said.
In his closing speech, Prabowo mentioned his optimism that Indonesia would be prosperous in the future but it needs to be aware of the foreign powers that do not want Indonesia as the strong, safe, and prosperous country. “Indonesia would be prosperous but be aware always. Do not want to get conflicts,” Prabowo said to the people of Indonesia. (T2)