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LPPM-UNS Educated the People about Palm Oil Waste Integrated Program and Merang Mushroom Cultivation

Special doc./LPPM-UNS educated the people about palm oil waste integrated program and Merang mushroom cultivation.
LPPM-UNS Educated the People about Palm Oil Waste Integrated Program and Merang Mushroom Cultivation

InfoSAWIT, TADUKAN RAGA – The lecturers and students of Faculty of Engineering University of North Sumatera (UNS) conducted a public service program that focused on economic and social aspects in Village of Tadukan Raga, Sub district of STM Hilir, Regency of Deliserdang, Thursday. It was organized by Lembaga Pengabdian dan Pelayanan kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) UNS and was led by Prof. Irvan together with the expert team and the students themselves.

The theme of the program was “Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Lokal di Sekitar Pabrik Sawit Melalui Integrasi Pengolahan Limbah Cair Sawit dan Tandan Kosong pada Produksi Biogas Skala Rumah Tangga dan Budidaya Jamur Merang di Desa Tadukan Raga, Kecamatan STM Hilir, Kabupaten Deliserdang”. It was about to educate the people how to take advantages on palm oil liquid waste and cow feces to be biogas and how to cultivate Merang mushroom.

Prof. Irvan explained that palm oil liquid waste and cow feces that were taken as wastes, could be processed to be biogas. It would be useful for the housing needs. The team and students demonstrated how to use biogas stove for the local and it was warmly welcome. Besides, the team also delivered training about Merang mushroom as the alternative economy.

“The workshop was about to not only minimize the wastes but also to educate the people how to take advantages on waste as the environmental sources of energy,” Prof. Irvan said, as in the official information that InfoSAWIT got, Sunday (25/8/2024).

It started by delivering materials about waste potential as the source of energy and continued by delivering demonstration about biogas. The local was very enthusiastic because during the demonstration, they were invited to try on the biogas stoves.

“The local was very enthusiastic to see every demonstration and they tried biogas stoves in persons. We also delivered counseling about Merang mushroom cultivation and should help increase the local’s economy,” Prof. Irvan said.

Head of the village appreciated the workshop. “We do appreciate the presence of UNS here. We were enthusiastic and hoping that the technology would increase the local’s knowledge and economy,” the head of the village said.

For having much material in the region, the program would be right on target and the public service should help the local to manage palm oil liquid and cow feces. They should take advantages on Merang mushroom to support the local’s economy better. (T2)