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Ministry of Agriculture: Climate Adaptation Strategy Workshop to Prevent the Fire in Jambi Province

Special doc./Ministry of Agriculture conducted workshop about climate adaptation strategy to prevent the fire in Jambi Province.
Ministry of Agriculture: Climate Adaptation Strategy Workshop to Prevent the Fire in Jambi Province

InfoSAWIT, JAMBI – Ministry of Agriculture through General Directorate of Plantation conducted a workshop with the theme “Adaptation Strategies in Climate Change to Prevent the Fire and Escalate Plantation Productivity’ in Jambi Province by the early of August 2024. It was part of BioCarbon Fund Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscapes (BioCF-ISFL) program that the World Bank delivered grant.

Regent in duty of Muaro Jambi, Raden Najmi as the host in the workshop, said that it would be significant to escalate plantation management to support sustainable development and minimize fire risks in the forests and areas. “Jambi Province is one of ten biggest palm oil producers in Indonesia. We have to increase plantation management to support sustainable development and minimize the incidents in forest fire,” Naimi said, as InfoSAWIT quoted from the official page of Ministry of Agriculture, Sunday (25/8/2024).

The workshop was about to deliver understanding and skills for the planters, particularly plantation agencies and companies to control the fire in the forests and areas by making weather engineering technology.

Director of Plantation Protection General Directorate of Plantation, Hendratmojo Bagus Hudoro hoped that the workshop would be the guidelines for related parties to implement environmental and good agricultural practices. “The successful implementation of weather engineering technology would increase palm oil plantation productivity and minimize the fire in the future” he said.

Heri Budi Wibowo and Djoko Goenawan of Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional were the speakers in the workshop. They discussed about weather engineering technology in drone base to solve the draught and the fire in palm oil plantations. The technology was designed to create artificial rain by cloud seeding process. The goal would be about to prevent the fire that was always triggered by the draught.

By combining the latest science, inter-sector cooperation, and innovative technologies, General Directorate of Plantation would do the best to solve every environmental challenge that palm oil industries faced. This would be about to confirm economic sustainability and environmental security.

In other place, General Director in duty of Plantation, Heru Tri Widarto said that it would be significant to improve palm oil plantation/industrial governance. Besides the fire in the forests and areas keeps happening, it needs to optimize the plantation productivity. (T2)