InfoSAWIT, MANOKWARI – Plantation, Horticulture, and Food Plant Agency West Papua and five groups formulated regional action plan sustainable palm oil or rencana aksi daerah kelapa sawit berkelanjutan (RAD KSB) for the province. The process was part of the government to implement plantation concepts by noticing social, economy, ecology aspects.
Head in duty of the agency, Agustinus Warbaal said that the formulation of RAD KSB would be one of five phase to develop sustainable palm oil plantations. “RAD KSB is a national scale program from the central to regional governments. Each region/province should formulate its own,” Agustinus said in Manokwari, Thursday.
The formulation would be adjustable with President’s Instruction Number 6 / 2019 about RAN KSB. The program that has started since March 2024 got three from five significant phases, such as, the establishment of formulator team in regional – scale, program identification and data and the formulation of action plan. “The fourth would be about to get public test and would be immediately conducted before it would be officially inaugurated by the governor,” Warbaal said as InfoSAWIT quoted from Antara, Saturday (24/8/2024).
RAD would be the guidelines to palm oil plantation cultivation in West Papua in 2024 - 2026. Every document would be synchronized with Regional Development Plan Agency and Land and Environment Agency West Papua to confirm that every aspect relating to sustainability and legal would be carefully considered.
Benediktus Hery, Head of Plantation, Plantation, Horticulture, and Food Plant Agency West Papua said the working groups would play their roles significantly to make sure that RAD successful. The groups would be in charge on some aspects, such as, data reinforcement, planters’ capacity enhancement, environment monitor, case solution, and ISPO (Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil) certificates.
The formulation of RAD would be getting public test that would involve the people around palm oil plantations. “After getting public test, the documents would be handed over for the government to be officially regualated,” Benediktus said. (T2)