cInfoSAWIT, SOUTH SORONG – Two clinics that PT Putera Manunggal Perkasa (PMP) and PT Permata Putera Mandiri (PPM) managed recently got the pride in health sectors. The clinic of PT PMP in the Regency of Maybrat and Klinik Pratama PT PPM in the Regency of South Sorong successfully qualified the close accredition standards and passed with the complete predicate by Ministry of Health, Indonesian Republic through Lembaga Akreditasi Fasilitas Kesehatan Primer (Lafkespri).
Accreditation certificate for PMP clinic would be available since from 13 July 2023 until 13 July 2029, while the certificate of Klinik Pratama of PPM would be avaible since from 15 July 2024 until 15 July 2029. The complete predicate for the two clinics meant that the service quality (that the medical officers delivered) qualified the highest standards in some elements, such as, clinic governance or tata kelola klinik (TKK), quality enhancement and patient safety or peningkatan mutu dan keselamatan pasien (PMKP), and personal health management or penyelenggaraan kesehatan perorangan (PKP).
Fajar Jayapria of PT Austindo Nusantara Jaya (ANJ) East Area Doctor said that the predicate would be the highest one in clinic accreditation assessment. “Complete accreditation certificate would be the acknowledgement not only in health service quality but also reflect the commitment of the company to maintain the high standards in health services for the workers and the local,” dr. Fajar said, as in the official statement InfoSAWIT, Wednesday (21/8/2024).
The success, he continued, would be from the hard work and dedication of everyone in the team of PMP and PPM clinics, and also the full supports from the management of the companies. “This is the proof of our collective efforts to create professional, safe, and work that are full of empathy for the people and the works,” he said.
Martina Atanay, Head of Health Agency Regency of South Sorong also highly appreciated the achievement. Martina said the preparation of the clinics and staffs delivered the best result to qualify health service standards. “Thank God for the incredible achievements. The complete rank would be the dream of every health facility and the achievement would prove that the two clinics of ANJ would deliver premium health care even though they are in remote areas,” Martina said.
She continued the success would be realized thanks to the supports of the company, and the good synergy between the local health agency and the local health cares. She hoped, the complete predicate would always be maintained in every health service access every single day because health users are the real assessment. (T2)