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Time to Empower Indonesia’s Smallholders

Doc. of InfoSAWIT/Palm Oil Book: Perkebunan Sawit Rakyat published by InfoSAWIT
Time to Empower Indonesia’s Smallholders

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA - Ever since it was commercially cultivated in 1911, palm oil plantations in Indonesia have had promising progress. The facts showed, in the Colonialism era, palm oil plantations were seriously noticed as part of vegetable oil commodity in the world.

In 2022, palm oil plantation development was commercially 111 years. The numbers were special for having triple one. At the age, many works to be accomplished. The biggest ones were in smallholders’ plantations.

Data published by Coordinator Ministry in Economy Indonesian Republic showed that by the late of 2023, palm oil plantations laid on about 15,32 million hectares nationally. The smallholders’ ones laid one about 40,51% or about 6,21 million hectares. It is predicted, theirs produced more than 16 million tons in 2022.

To escalate the smallholders’ plantation productivity, the Government of Indonesia encouraged to get smallholders replanting program (SRP) for every smallholder in this country. For information, in 2017 to 2023, the main smallholders that got or implemented SRP covered 306 thousand hectares, theirs covered 134 thousand hectares with the total fund distributed reached Rp. 8,5 trillion.

Here are the roles of the people who work as smallholders to get escalated. Since in the midst of 1980s, the people’s empowerment had been popularized in Indonesia. It was perkebunan inti rakyat with transmigration system (PIR-Trans). The roles of plantation companies as avails in the partnership with smallholders faced new challenges.

Even though (people’s) empowerment was taken as a developing concept of thought since 1970s, it just developed together with other thoughts, such as, existentialism, , phenomenology, personalism, and other social critics. These made (people’s) empowerment was closer to neo-Marxism, Freudianism, Structuralism, and sociology critics by Frankfurt School.

That is why the concept of (people’s) empowerment has melted to be once concept universally with the goal to minimize poverty. It has been adopted by the government’s instituatio around the world including in Indonesia. Through the smallholders’ empowerment with multi-party supports, there would be welfare for smallholders in the future.

The Government of Indonesia by publishing policies, wanted to confirm the regulations to empower smallholders to get legal certainty. Palm oil plantation companies through their equal, transparent partnerships would take the smallholders to implement the best and sustainable cultivation practices. The banks through their financial liquidity, would confirm fund supports for the sustainable smallholders and their associations, non-government organizations, and other parties to deliver helps and other supports.

Media InfoSAWIT would also play its roles as the communication media to effectively deliver information for other related stakeholders to be in synergy to develop smallholders’ palm oil plantations. Media InfoSAWIT would help confirm that there would be no parties left behind so that every party would collaborate to develop the smallholders’ plantations.

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By: Ignatius Ery Kurniawan

Source: Majalah InfoSAWIT  June 2024