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Regent in duty of Simeulue: PT Raja Marga Does Not Have Palm Oil Planting Permit

Foto by Dea Kinanti_Sawitfest 2021/ilustration of plantation
Regent in duty of Simeulue: PT Raja Marga Does Not Have Palm Oil Planting Permit

InfoSAWIT, SIMEULUE - Regent in duty of Simeulue emphasized that PT Raja Marga did not have the permits to palm oil plantation new planting in the regency. It was written on the official documents with Number 500/1752/2024, and many people knew it. He said it on Wednesday (7/8/2024). 

In the document, he firmly said that PT Raja Marga did not have the permit to do new planting based on the regulations about plantation business permits in Indonesia. 

"Based on the Laws Number 39 / 2014 about Plantation; Government's Regulation Number 5 / 2021 about Business Permit Implementation in risk - base; and Government's Regulation Number 22 / 2021 about Environment Cultivation and Protection Management, the company has had no permit terms and condition," the document noted as  InfoSAWIT quoted from Serambinews, Sunday (10/8/2024).

The document referred to the Regulation of Minister of Agriculture Number 98 / 2013 about Plantation Business Permit Guideliness that was substituted for many times and the last was the Regulation of Minister of Agriculture Number 21 / 2017. 

He also reminded that every palm oil plantation new planting should obey every available regulation to confirm that the planting would be legal and responsible for the environment. 

Until now, the people and the regency seriously notice the document because it is significant to obey the regulations to maintain the environment and local's interests.

PT Raja Marga did not officially clarify it. Regency of Simeulue would keep monitoring the progress to confirm that the company would obey the regulation in the regency. (T2)