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Ombudsman Got 239 Industrial Reports in 2018 - 2023

Doc. Special/he member of Ombudsman Indonesian Republic, Yeka Hendra Fatika
Ombudsman Got 239 Industrial Reports in 2018 - 2023

InfoSAWIT, PEKANBARU – The member of Ombudsman Indonesian Republic, Yeka Hendra Fatika mentioned the roles of Ombudsman to prevent and eradicate mal-administration in public service implementation. He said that the institution got 239 reports about palm oil industries in 2018 to 2023, that showed increasing case every year.

He also said that Ombudsman got data and information from many related ministries/institutions about palm oil issues. “For instace, the issues about agrarian, plantation, food agriculture, law enforcement, permit, and forestry,” he said, as InfoSAWIT quoted from the official page of Ombudsman, Thursday (8/8/2024).

Yeka also mentioned that the goals of Ombudsman in this context would be about to encourage certainty in inventory and overlapping issue about palm oil plantaitons in forest regions, improve the permit regulation and fresh fruit bunch (FFB) price as part to escalate palm oil industrial governance from the upstream to downstream sectors.

Director of Fund - Raising Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (POPFMA) appreciated the systemic study that Ombudsman conducted to prevent mal-administration in palm oil industries. He hoped that the results of focus group discussion would encourage to improve palm oil industrial governance constructively in this country.

It meant the discussion would be not as discussion but also as the concrete thing to escalate transparency and effectiveness in sustainable palm oil industries. (T2)