InfoSAWIT, PONTIANAK – Livestock and Plantation Agency West Kalimantan Province conducted trainings for independent smallholders, Regency of Bengkayang at Hotel Harris, Pontianak.
In his speech, Head of Livestock and Plantation Agency West Kalimantan Province, Heronimus Hero said that the cultivation technic and Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) trainings for the independent smallholders should escalate their competence in the region.
As InfoSAWIT quoted from the face of Livestock and Plantation Agency West Kalimantan Province, Wednesday (7/8/2024), the trainings were getting fund spports from Palm Oil Plantation Human Resource Development (POPHRD), General Directorate of Plantation Ministry of Agriculture in 2024. The organizer was LPP Agro Nusantara. Dede Yudo Kurniawan of LPP Agro Nusantara; Eva Lizarmi of POPHRD Secretariat; and Head of Agriculture and Food Security Regency of Bengkayang, Yulianus attended the trainings.
60 independent smallholders from the regency that implemented smallholders replanting program took participation for six day – training or from 5 to 10 August 2024.
The training would be the follow up of training identification that was conducted last year. The main focus of the training would be in the effective palm oil plantation cultivation and ISPO certification for the independent smallholders.
Heronimus Hero also hoped the training should escalate their plantation productivity in Bengkayang and would be the start of ISPO certification process for them. It is hoped they would escalate their plantation productivity and quality in the region sustainably. (T2)