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Mini Palm Oil in Sanggau Passed the Tests and Would be Distributed to Every Village

Doc. InfoSAWIT
Mini Palm Oil in Sanggau Passed the Tests and Would be Distributed to Every Village

InfoSAWIT, SANGGAU – Regency of Sanggau, West Kalimantan Province broke the new record in palm oil industry by successfully constructing mini palm oil and passing the tests that process palm oil to be palm cooking oil. This innovation was the cooperation result between the Regency of Sanggau and University of Muhammadiyah Pontianak, that was inaugurated on Tuesday (30/07/2024).

Regent in duty of Sanggau, Suherman was proud of the result test. “We witness today the prototype test of mini palm oil machine that processed palm oil to be palm cooking oil. This is the result of our cooperation between the Regency of Sanggau and University of Muhammadiyah Pontianak, based on what Mister Dodi researched," he said, as InfoSAWIT quoted from the official page of Regency of Sanggau, Wednesday (31/7/2024).

Suherman explained that the regency would have the big potential in palm oil production but some of the harvests should be taken to other regions. “By having the innovation, we would process palm oil seeds locally to be palm cooking oil that would fulfill the local needs, starting from the villages,” he said.

The cooperation was realized from the research fund that Regency of Sanggau provided through Regional Development Plan Agency with the research and development technic from University of Muhammadiyah Pontianak. "This contributed massively. In the future, if it is efficiently proved, we hope to escalate the economic value and welfare the local,” Suherman said.

He also hoped every village in the regency would get one mini palm oil machine to maximize the advantages. “The machine in Village Enterprises would significantly qualify palm cooking oil needs locally,” he said. (T2)