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Smallholders in Kapuas Hulu Started to Get ISPO Certification

Special doc./80 independent smallholders from Kapuas Hulu got socialization about ISPO certification on 13 July 2024 lalu.
Smallholders in Kapuas Hulu Started to Get ISPO Certification

InfoSAWIT, KAPUAS HULU - Perkumpulan Petani Sawit Mitra Mandiri Bersama (PPSMMB) kept doing the best to escalate their capacity to be in trade competition globally. On 13 July 2024, 80 independent smallholders from Kapuas Hulu got socialization about Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certification from the province and regency.

Vice Manager of PPSMMB, Abdul Mutolib said that they were very enthusiastic to join the training, namely because of the commitment of the regional government to get ISPO certificate easily, including the proposal to get cultivation documents. “The smallholders were enthusiastic in the training because the regional government would be committed to get ISPO certificate namely when proposing cultivation documents,” he said, as InfoSAWIT quoted from the official page of Fortasbi, Monday (29/7/2024).

Abdul Mutolib mentioned that they understood more that it would be significant to get sustainable certification both RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) and ISPO. PPSMMB itself just got RSPO certificate and planned to propose and get ISPO certificate in this very short. “PPSMMB just got RSPO certificate. We would propose to get ISPO,” he said.

The training also delivered insight about ISPO principles and criteria, such as, obedience to the available regulations, good agricultural practices, environment, natural resource and natural conservation cultivation and management. The smallholders also got knowledge that it would be important to get environment permit, labor responsibility, socially responsibility, people’s economic empowerment, transparency, and sustainable business enhancement.

The regional government showed its strong commitment to encourage ISPO certificate in Kapuas Hulu. Abdul Mutolib also mentioned, his institution would be very happy because as group that got the first RSPO in the areas, the government would be committed to encourage ISPO acceleration.

By having ISPO certificate, the smallholders should get easiness, including the helps for infrastructures, and getting smallholders replanting program. “We proposed to get infrastructure helps. Hopefully everything would be easier after we get ISPO certificate,” he said.

PPSMMB is one independent smallholders’ organization where the members are in three villages, such as, Sungai Sena, Seberu, and Pala Kota. There are 301 members there. In 2023, PPSMMB successfully got RSPO certificate for six groups in Sub district of Seberuang, Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan Province that cultivated about 548 hectares. (T2)