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Respond Palm Oil Challenges Immediately to Confirm Sustainable Industries

Special doc./ Prof Budi Mulyanto /Chairman of Pusat Studi Sawit IPB University (PUSDI Sawit IPB)
Respond Palm Oil Challenges Immediately to Confirm Sustainable Industries

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA - It is acknowledged, palm oil is the big contributor in economic sectors in Indonesia. Unfortunately, the African original – commodity still faces many issues.

Indonesia is famous as one country that is full of abundant natural resources, including palm oil plantations that become the main commodity to massively deliver impacts for the people and country’s economy.

Chairman of Pusat Studi Sawit Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) University (PUSDI Sawit IPB), Prof Budi Mulyanto said that palm oil massively has potential to be developed more. Unfortunately, Indonesia still faces many complex challenges, including in food, woof, energy, environment, and work field to respond the increasing population.

He thought, the government needs to take advantages on palm oil comparative superiority to welfare its citizens. But palm oil industries themselves still significantly face the challenges.

“Such as, volatile economic politics, environment, and protectionism, agrarian affair issues that have something to do with tenant and land use,” Prof. Budi said to InfoSAWIT recently.

He also emphasized it would be significant for palm oil industries, the governments to immediately respond such challenges to sustainably confirm palm oil industrial development. (T2)

for more, read Majalah InfoSAWIT, June 2024