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The People of Batin Mudo Genduang Claimed the Subsidiary of Astra Agro about Palm Oil Plantations

Special doc./The process to measure area out of business rights that Astra Agro claimed.
The People of Batin Mudo Genduang Claimed the Subsidiary of Astra Agro about Palm Oil Plantations

InfoSAWIT, PELALAWAN – The Case Number 16/Pdt.G/2024/PN about the claim against the law by the people of Batin Mudo Genduang, Abu Kasim to PT Sari Lembah Subur (SLS) and PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk was running at Riau Court, Monday, 22 July 2024. The trial was led by Judge Maharani Debora Manullang, SH MH, and attended by the Judge Members Alvin Ramadhan Nur Luis, SH MH, and Ellen Yolanda Sinaga SH MH.

As InfoSAWIT quoted from bermadah.co.id, Saturday (27/7/2024), the plaintiff was with the attorney, Yafanus Buulolo, SH. They delivered proofs of documents from DPMPTSP Regency of Pelalawan. The documents instructed that PT SLS should give back palm oil plantations that were out of business rights of the company but the company was assumed to ignore it.

During the field check in the spot, the plaintiff and the attorney successfully proved four spots that National Land Agency approved as the spots were in case. Davi SH, the attorney of PT SLS and PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk, said they were waiting for the further examination from National Land Agency.

The trial would be continued with the agenda – to examine the witnesses from the plaintiff. Until now National Land Agency Regency of Pelalawan did not respond about the case. The trial about area ownership case in the Village of Genduang, Sub district of Pangkalan Lesung, Regency of Pelalawan, Riau Province between the local and palm oil company would be always monitored. (T2)