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No Policy, Palm Cooking Oil HRP Got More Expensive in Many Markets

Doc. InfoSAWIT
No Policy, Palm Cooking Oil HRP Got More Expensive in Many Markets

InfoSAWIT Sumatera, JAKARTA – In the few weeks, the government delivered announcement to increase highest retail price (HRP) of palm cooking oil. Even though HRP is not decided, palm cooking oil in many markets has been more expensive.

For information, Ministry of Trade would make palm cooking oil HRP more expensive. It was said that it had something to do with the domestic market obligation (DMO) of people’s palm cooking oil in order not to shut down bulk palm cooking oil trade.

Director of Daily Needs and Important Goods of General Directorate of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Trade, Bambang Wisnubroto claimed, the two policies would raise inflation for about 0,09 – 0,14 percent. It means, the adjustment policy in HRP and DMO of people’s palm cooking oil would relatively increase inflation.

In many markets, palm cooking oil that the government produced in Minyakita, got more expensive ever since the idea was delivered. “MinyaKita is Rp 16 thousand," a people from DKI Jakarta, Isna said to InfoSAWIT , Wednesday (24/7/2024).

What InfoSAWIT knew from the markets, palm cooking oil price was relatively stabe. But it got more expensive in the agent levels. Some agents of Minyakita in Cisalak, Depok was at Rp 15 thousand to Rp 16 thousand. It was the same in Cibubur, Jakarta.

The written price on the package of MinyaKita, it was Rp 14 thousand per liter. For many people used MinyaKita for being economic, the increasing price made the people rethink twice to buy palm cooking oil.

"If it is Rp 16 thousand per liter, I would better buy the better one,” Isna said. (T4)