InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA - Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Mineral dan Batu Bara (Simbara) did not put crude palm oil (CPO) as one commodity in the governance for all these years. But the idea to put CPO into Simbara raised again after Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani delivered her statement.
"For the next years, we hope every mineral (commodity) could be categorized into Simbara, even CPO,” Sri Mulyani said, as InfoSAWIT quoted from Detikcom, Wednesday (24/7/2024).
She said, Simbara would improve natural resource governance through integration system. The government would escalate the service, reinforce monitoring system, and optimize the revenue through Simbara.
It is claimed that the expansion of Simbara would create the simple business process. Every ministry and institution, Sri continued, would not publish their own regulation without having synergy.
“We eventually would face the same companies for the same commodities, the same people and goods. These would be running together with the same documentation and cash flow,” Sri Mulyani said.
She also reminded that mineral and coal commodities would be vital and put Indonesia in the strategic position. She thought, one ministry could not manage them alone. There should be synergy and collaboration and these should be a must.
The expansion of Simbara for other commodities was also said by General Director of Budget Ministry of Finance, Isa Rachmatarwata. It was coal, now it gets expansion to nickel and tin, in the future, it would be bauxite, gold, and copper. (T4)