InfoSAWIT, MEDAN – PT. Riset Perkebunan Nusantara (RPN) re-conducted training that Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA) and General Directorate of Plantation Ministry of Agriculture supported. It was the continuity of the previous training in Aceh Province. It was running in Regency of Asahan, North Sumatera Province. The name of the training was 'Palm Oil Plantation Location Map Technic’ and joined by 28 participants for five days that would last from 15 to 19 July 2024 in Medan.
The training would be part of palm 0il plantation human resource development program that PFMA and General Directorate conducted. The goal would be about to escalate the planters’ capacity and skills in mapping technic.
Dr. Winarna from PT RPN said that it would be significant to get certain location of palm oil plantations which would be the focus of smallholders replanting program (SRP).
Dr. Winarna did welcome the initiative of the training as part of the ways to escalate human resource capacity in plantation sectors which for all these years, were integrated with cultivation, post-harvest/processing modules. “The training would deliver not only basic knowledge and practical skills to map, but also would be potential to be the motor of transformation in each participant’s region,” he said, as in the official statement to InfoSAWIT, Wednesday (17/7/2024).
The participant would be trained about related policy and regulation, basic things in area mapping, using tools, for instance, global positioning system, drone, mobile devices, tracking technic, and plants census. They would learn about how to make polygon, plantation map, data management, measurement analysis, and map presentation.
They also did field practices in the pilot plantation of PT RPN at Kebun Aek Pancur, Tanjung Morawa, Regency of Deli Serdang. Sofyan Arifin, Head of Plantation, Agriculture Agency Regency of Asahan appreciated the chance that PFMA delivered. He hoped it would also deliver big advantages for every participant namely to make standar tera desa (cultivation documents) that would need accurate map data. (T1)