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Empty Bunches Could be the Alternative for Organic Fertilizer

Doc. InfoSAWIT
Empty Bunches Could be the Alternative for Organic Fertilizer

InfoSAWIT, PALU – Indonesian Palm Oil Association (IPOA) Central Sulawesi Province proposed to apply palm oil empty bunches as the alternative for organic fertilizer to escalate plantation productivity in Indonesia. The representative of IPOA Central Sulawesi Province, Halik Barutu mentioned it in an event in Palu.

Halik Barutu thought the rare and expensive chemical fertilizers would be one serious issue for many smallholders. Applying empty bunches as organic fertilizer should be able to minimize fertilizer cost up to 30 percent. Some blocks in palm oil plantations successfully reduced chemical fertilizer application in a whole by the empty bunches.

“It needs to conduct more socialization and education about the advantages of empty bunches. IPOA Central Sulawesi Province would support it,” he said, as InfoSAWIT quoted from Antara, Tuesday (16/7/2024).

Meanwhile, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) and Universitas Tadulako (Untad) conducted socialization about palm oil empty bunch carbonization and its application as soil conditioner. It was about to escalate efficiency and good soil in palm oil plantations in the province.

Professor Erliza Hambali from IPB said that Indonesia, as the biggest palm oil producer in the world would face challenge about the very expensive fertilizers namely because of the rare imported materials and other external factors, such as, the war and currency fluctuation.

“The socialization would be very important because this province is one biggest palm oil producer in Indonesia,” she said.

It means, the application of empty bunches would reduce not only production cost for smallholders but also support sustainable environment and escalate plantation productivity in a whole. (T2)