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Fortasbi Trained 7.839 Independent Smallholders to Escalate Their Capacity in Sustainable Palm Oil

Doc. of Fortasbi/In the past five years or in 2018 to 2022, Fortasbi trained about 7.839 independent smallholders.
Fortasbi Trained 7.839 Independent Smallholders to Escalate Their Capacity in Sustainable Palm Oil

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – For the past year, Forum Petani Sawit Berkelanjutan Indonesia (Fortasbi) did many to escalate independent smallholders’ capacity to reinforce their sustainable commitment. It was about to train and develop them that covered 3.284 independent smallholders in many provinces in Indonesia.

Head of Secretariat of Fortasbi, Rukaiyah Rafik said that the commitments of Fortasbi are about to accelerate sustainable palm oil standards through RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil), ISPO (Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil) certificates and accelerate electronic – cultivation documents (geographic information system for property). “The commitment was delivered by providing trainings for the independent smallholders,” she said, as InfoSAWIT quoted from the official page of Fortasbi, Wednesday (17/72024).

The trainings were in some regions, for instance, in Medan, the foundation was in cooperation with Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD) Lestari and successfully trained 1.583 smallholders; in East Kalimantan Province, Fortasbi was in cooperation with Koperasi Jasa Mutiara Kongbeng and Asosiasi Sawit Rakyat Mandiri to train 901 smallholders; in West Kalimantan precisely in Regency of Sekadau and Landak, Fortasbi was cooperating with APKS-KK and successfully trained 600 independent smallholders. In Jambi, it was in cooperation with Yayasan Setara Jambi to train 200 independent smallholders in Regency of Tebo.

The trainings delivered were not only about sustainable palm oil standards and how to get certificates, but also about the good agricultural practices, institution management, and regenerative agriculture. It collaborated with the members of Fortasbi, regional governments, companies, non-government organizations, regional government, for instance, PT HDL in Landak, Unilever and SNV in North Sumatera, USAID Segar in East Kalimantan and Regency of Sekadau.

Rukaiyah acknowledged that the numbers were less than independent smallholders that reached about 2,5 million in Indonesia. But she hoped there would be big impacts from the trainings and the trained smallholders would also inform what they got (from the trainings) for other ones.

In the trainings, Fortasbi presented speakers, trainers, and smallholders to deliver inputs one to the other, reinforce sustainable issues, good plantation practices, other materials to calculate harvests, escalate qualify and soil cultivation practices. “We also delivered practical modules which were easy to understand and learn and they would implement in their plantations,” Rukaiyah said.

The module would be about to deliver direct impacts for them and they would practice everything easily or inform to other groups. She hoped the program would be adopted in many regions and would significantly deliver impacts for millions of independent smallholders.

In the past five years or in 2018 to 2022, Fortasbi trained about 7.839 smallholders or delivered socialization about ISPO standards for 412 smallholders, good agriculture practices for 5248 smallholders, group manajer training for 1259 ones, and training of trainer for 1326 smallholders. (T2)