InfoSAWIT, MEDAN – To escalate the people’s understanding about palm oil, Museum Perkebunan Indonesia (Musperin) introduced innovative immersive room. This would be very effective to educate the people namely the young ages about palm oil and its advantages.
Director of Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA), Eddy Abdrachman said the immersive room would provide detail and real information to solve palm oil black campaigns. This would be the interesting and informative education.
“For all these years, many do not understand the details about palm oil and its application. Through the immersive room, the young generations would directly see and understand easily and inspirational,” Eddy said. This would be not only important for the local wisdom but also to change the negative perception about palm oil in the wider scale.
Director of Institutional Relationship, PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV PalmCo, Irwan Peranging-angin did appreciate the initiative. “Palm oil education and delivering its application would be significant and should be more to do. We would be ready to support everything needed to confirm that the education would be running well,” Perangin-angin said, as InfoSAWIT quoted from the official page of Pusat Penelitian Kelapa Sawit (PPKS), Sunday (14/72024).
He also said that the immersive room would enable the children to learn and study about palm oil in a relax and interactive situation. “The children would see the real situation with the intensive hand and they would understand that palm oil would be part of our lives,” he said. The immersive room would deliver not only education in theories but also different and fund practical experiences.
Musperin hoped it would be one educational infrastructure about palm oil. By delivering the good education, the people would understand and appreciate the roles of palm oil in our daily live. “We would see the enthusiastic will from the industries and the people to come and learn more about palm oil,” Perangin-angin said.
Back to Eddy, the immersive room should be the educational model that should be applied in other regions. It means, the accurate and positive information about palm oil would be known and helping to fight the negative campaigns which might be unreasonable. “We do hope this could inspire many parties to join in and educate the people that palm oil is significant,” he said.
On Wednesday, 10 July 2024, Museum Perkebunan Indonesia (Musperin) did grand launching to “Immersive Room”. Musperin showed its commitment to deliver qualified and relevant education and also support to develop sustainable palm oil industries in Indonesia. (T2)