InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – Ministry of Environment and Forestry did meet with Ombudsman RI to discuss the mal-administrative prevention in palm oil industries. It was part of systemic study to escalate the better governance.
Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya supported the initiative of Ombudsman RI. This would be the same with palm oil task force to escalate palm oil industrial governance, as President Joko Widodo ordered and regulated in the Decision of President Number 9 / 2023.
"President Jokowi established Task Force to Escalate Palm Oil Industrial Governance and To Optimize the Revenue as it is regulated in the Decision of President Number 9 / 2023," she said, as in the official statement to InfoSAWIT, Thursday (11/7/2024).
Meanwhile, the member of Ombudsman RI in Public Service Supervision in Economy, Yeka Hendra Fatika said the meeting would be about to get the early coordination and communication to make sure every information demands and field check would be running well in the future. The focus would be about to prevent mal-administration by testing the potential issue in the public service implementation.
The systemic study would also involve some parties, for instance, Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Agrarian Affairs/National Land Agency, and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resource. One aspect emphasized in the meeting was about inventory and solution for overlapping areas between palm oil plantations and forest regions. (T2)