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Member of Commission VI Indonesian Legislators: SRP in West Sumatera Barat Should be Immediately Conducted

Foto by Apriliagoverty/Sawitfest 2021/Ilustration of replanting
Member of Commission VI Indonesian Legislators: SRP in West Sumatera Barat Should be Immediately Conducted

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – Indonesian Legislators would like that every smallholder that conducted smallholders replanting program (SRP) should be in partnership with PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) to escalate palm oil plantation productivity and the people would get the advantages namely in West Sumatera Province.

Andre Rosiade, the member of Commission VI Indonesian Legislators from Gerindra, said that the SRP should be immediately conducted. He thought SRP that PTPN Group initiated as the leading sector, would positively have the prospect. “Palm oil is the primadona in South Sumatera and Riau Province. But West Sumatera should not be left behind because the smallholders are in need of cash,” he said, as in the official statement to media, Tuesday (9/7/2024).

He also encouraged PTPN Group to accommodate the smallholders in West Sumatera. What he knew was that many smallholders where he should get votes, wanted to get SRP, such as, from Dharmasraya and Pasaman Barat. "Please, help the smallholders in West Sumatera Province, such as, where I was voted in Dharmasraya and Pasaman Barat. There are lots of old trees there,” he said.

The Government of Indonesia would keep encouraging to get SRP to escalate plantation productivity and palm oil product quality from Indonesia, particularly produced by the independent smallholders. SRP would be about to improve palm oil plantation governance.

Ever since it was launched by President Joko Widodo in October 2017, SRP until 2023 covered 142.078 smallholders and the fund distributed reached up to Rp 9,11 trillion with the total plantations covering up to 326.678 hectares. The government would encourage the program so that the villagers would massively get the advantages including in West Sumatera Province. (T2)