InfoSAWIT, SIMALUNGUN – The Government of United States of America (USA) continued and expand palm oil support program through International Labor Organization (ILO) by offering additional fund on the program that has been running since 2016. This would be as part of the government’s commitment to support sustainable palm oil industries and concern about the labors’ rights.
Regency of Simalungun, North Sumatera Province was chosen as the pilot project n the world in the new ILO program. Simalungun, particularly, Sub district of Marihat, is known as the ancestor of palm oil seeds in Indonesia. Even though it may not be more famous than Marihat, Simalungun does also has long history in palm oil seed breeding with its Pusat Penelitian Marihat as the pioneer to establish Pusat Penelitian Kelapa Sawit (PPKS).
“PPKS is now the center of palm oil research and producer that many are proud of. Some superior seeds are named DXP Marihat and DXP Simalungun,” Charman of Indonesian Palm Oil Association (IPOA) in Human Resource Development, Sumarjono Saragih said, as in the official statement to InfoSAWIT, Tuesday (9/7/2024). Saragih also said that Regency of Simalungun would like to be the important part in the history of palm oil industries in this country.
Regent of Simalungun, Radiapoh Sinaga did welcome the good offer from USA through ILO. The pilot project of the first social obedience (labors) in the world would be in tripartite that would involve the governments, labors, and stakeholders (businessmen). "Regency of Simalungun would support the pilot project and hopefully would realize the smallholders and labors’ welfare,” Sinaga said.
The initiative would be named SCOPE SITALASARI, as part of Simalungun Marharoan Bolon. “SITALASARI was inspired by a popular song in Simalungun. If it is extanded to be a sentence, SITALASARI means, Simalungun Tanah Leluhur Sawit untuk Generasi,” Saragih said who is also the Founder Chairman of WISPO (Worker Initiatives for Sustainable Palm Oil). The program itself is about to notice the labors’ rights and escalate the labors’ condition.
Meanwhile, Carter Quinley from Ministry of Labor, USA said that USA would really pay attention to the labor’s rights in the world. That is why we would get the partners that would lead to escalate the labors’ condition. “We are in cooperation with ILO and stated that Indonesia and palm oil companies are the leaders in labors’ aspects,” Carter said.
By the program, Regency of Simalungun would be the pilot project for Indonesia and the world in the protection, respect, and human resource (labor) development. The program would confirm that there would be no child worker, there would be gender equity, decent work, awareness of work health and safety, and social guarantees.
By the supports that come from USA through ILO, Regency of Simalungun should be the successful pilot project in fair and sustainable palm oil industries to deliver the good advantages for the workers (labors), smallholders, and the people. (T2)