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Ministry of Agriculture Escalated HR Capacity through Palm Oil Plantation Infrastructure Technical Development

Special doc./Ministry of Agriculture through General Directorate of Plantation conducted technical development about palm oil plantation infrastructures.
Ministry of Agriculture Escalated HR Capacity through Palm Oil Plantation Infrastructure Technical Development

InfoSAWIT, BOGOR – Ministry of Agriculture through General Director of Plantation conducted palm oil plantation infrastructure technical development as the way to accelerate the program proposal. This would be the same with what Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman ordered to encourage palm oil production and productivity.

The program was about to escalate palm oil plantation production, productivity, additional values, and quality. It would cover helps to get extensification, intensification, post-harvest tools, product process units, make and escalate the ways in plantations, water management, transportation tools (vehicles), agricultural machines, make market infrastructures and Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certification process. These would be about to improve smallholders’ plantation governance.

Prior, General Director of Plantation Ministry of Agriculture, Andi Nur Alam Syah said that it would be significant to notice and support palm oil plantation (development) namely that belonged to the smallholders. He took every party to get involve in palm oil infrastructure program to escalate their production and productivity.

Meanwhile, Director of Palm Oil Plant and Various Palm, Ardi Praptono said that the program would be the way to develop synergy between the central and regional governments, and to escalate the verifiers’ skill to escalate verification quality to propose infrastructure programs. These would support the acceleration to achieve infrastructure program and get inputs to formulate the commitment from many parties.

“Until now, palm oil plantation infrastructures have 141 task forces. To accelerate infrastructure program, we conducted technical development in two phases. The first one was conducted on 20 - 22 June 2024 by inviting eight task forces in the provinces and 62 task forces from many regencies. Today on 27 June to 29 June 2024, we conduct the second phase by inviting 12 task forces in the provinces and 59 ones from the regencies,” Ardi said, as InfoSAWIT quoted from the official page of General Directorate of Plantation, Thursday (4/7/2024).

Ardi also took every party that involved in the program to be commited and escalate palm oil plantation production and productivity which eventually would escalate the planters’ welfare.

“Hopefully, what we did would be supported by everyone to massively deliver advantages for many people, namely the planters nationally,” Ardi hoped. (T2)