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84 Smallholders – The Members of APKSSM Escalated HR Quality to Sustainable Palm Oil

Special doc./84 independent smallholders, the members of APKSSM joined the training on best management practices by the early of April 2024.
84 Smallholders – The Members of APKSSM Escalated HR Quality to Sustainable Palm Oil

InfoSAWIT, RIAU – To escalate independent smallholders’ human resources (HR) would be one significant point to cultivate sustainable palm oil plantations. This is about to qualify the principles and criteria of Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).

Asosiasi Petani Kelapa Sawit Swadaya Mandiri (APKSSM) did conduct Training on Best Management Practices by the early of April 2024. It was joined by 84 new members. The training was part of APKSSM in Regency of Kuantan Singingi, Riau Province to keep escalating and maintaining RSPO implementation that has been regulated since 2011. The two day – training was focusing on good agricultural practices implementation for the new members.

As InfoSAWIT quoted from the official page of Forum Petani Kelapa Sawit Swadaya Indonesia (Fortasbi), the goal of the training would be about to confirm that every new member would understand their rights and obligation as the members of the association.

Staff of APKSSM, Devi Kuniasasri said that the training would be about to deliver understanding and materials about RSPO, best management practices, high conservation values, the importance of using self-protection tool, work health and safety, the pesticide application, good nursery, environment cultivation and maintenance.

“Every material delivered for them in the training should be implemented by every one of them in their plantations to escalate the productivity,” Devi said.

She also mentioned, every smallholder was informed about the understandings to prevent environmental damage and should not apply 1A and 1B poisons. “They were encouraged to know what is forbidden and paraquat active pesticide application when vanishing the weeds in their plantations,” she said.

The training was supported by WWF Indonesia. It was in theories and getting practices in the field about how to control fire caterpillar which becomes one main pest for the smallholders. “Fire caterpillar is one enemy for the smallholders,” Devi said. (T2)