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Some Countries Collaborate for Smallholders’ Sustainable Palm Oil Globally

Special doc./General Director of Europe - America, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Indonesian Republic, Umar Hadi.
Some Countries Collaborate for Smallholders’ Sustainable Palm Oil Globally

InfoSAWIT, BOGOR – In the recent days, City of Bogor was the host for an important event. It involved 36 participants from 17 like - minded countries (LMCs). They gathered to share the best practices in Capacity Building and Escalating Sustainable Palm Oil Plantation that has been starting from 22 June to 2 July 2024. It was the collaboration among Ministry of External Affairs, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), and Lembaga Dana Kerja Sama Pembangunan Internasional (LDKPI).

The participants derived from many backgrounds, such as, researchers, decision makers, stakeholders, and diplomates that represented some important commodities producers, such as, palm oil, coffee, cocoa, rubber, wood, soybean, and beef. The main goal of the training was about to deliver deeper understanding for the participants about smallholders’ agricultural cross-commodities.

General Director of Europe – America Indonesian Republic, Umar Hadi said that palm oil would be very significant for the people while the future challenges would be about how to maintain sustainability and trade competitiveness in the globe. He emphasized, it would need to exchange experiences and best practices to guarantee and palm oil and other commodities would be always relevant to the changing economy globally.

Vice Director of IPB in Research, Innovation and Agro-maritime People’s Development Department, Prof. Ernan Rustiadi said that IPB would be committed to reinforce smallholders, other stakeholders and contributing to the sustainable palm oil. “We would deliver the chance to escalate cooperation with global south countries through collaboration, research, and education,” he said, as in the official statement to InfoSAWIT,  Thursday (27/6/2024).

During the trainings, the participants interacted with many sustainable agricultural experts from IPB Bogor. They did field visit to the smallholders’ palm oil plantations in Riau Province. This would escalate not only their insight but also reinforce the collaborative network among the countries.

The training would reflect the commitment of Indonesia to share knowledge and experiences with like-minded countries as the form of solidarity to face the same challenges. Besides, it is hoped that the training would formulate the same aspiration of commodity produce countries so that theirs would be listened to by the globe.

Through the initiative, it is hoped that smallholders’ agriculture would always support food security in the globe, promote development, and deliver advantages sustainably for smallholders’ communities in the world. (T2)