InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – General Director of Agro-Industry Ministry of Trade, Putu July Ardika said that the ministry successfully normalized palm cooking oil (RBD palm oil) production and distribution governance during the outbreak season by the late of 2021 to 2022.
"Ministry of Trade operated Sistem Informasi Minyak Goreng Curah (SIMIRAH) as the platform to control palm cooking oil supply, price, and materials nationally. The system supported to have real – time, responsive, transparent decision - making process and it massively took the people’s participation,” he said, as in the official statement to InfoSAWIT, Monday (24/6/2024).
Ministry of Trade is now formulating palm oil roadmap for Indonesia Emas 2045. It is hoped to realize sustainable palm oil industries from upstream to downstream sectors in 2045. This would be the same with the final goal to create independent, sovereign, fair, going forward, and inclusive industries.
Palm oil is taken as the ready commodity to realize net zero emission in industrial sectors in 2050. Palm oil roadmap for Indonesia Emas 2045 has been led to eliminate carbon emission nationally.
“The main key is about to develop sustainable industry and traceability as the conditions to have palm oil downstream product in the global scale – markets,” Putu said. (T2)