InfoSAWIT, PASER – 25 participants attended the meeting about illegal palm oil seed distribution socialization in Village of Klempang Sari, Sub district of Kuaro, Wednesday, 12 June 2024. It was joined by the members of Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD) Tunas Murni, Kelompok Tani Kelapa Sawit in Village of Klempang Sari, and field agricultural counselors of Sub district of Kuaro.
Head of Unit Pelaksana Teknis Dinas (UPTD), Eka Rini Elvianti said that the socialization would be about to deliver better understanding about illegal palm oil seeds and the ways to prevent the distribution. This is the same with the regulation about seed certification and monitoring, namely in palm oil plantation.
“The socialization should help the smallholders and other parties to understand about available regulation in seed monitoring both for self-use and distribution,” Eka said, as InfoSAWIT quoted from the official page of East Kalimantan Province, Sunday (16/6/2024).
She continued that the socialization would be the prevention so that every party involved should obey every available regulation to the sustainability and security of seed industries in Regency of Paser.
The meeting was about to collaborate the government and the people to maintain the seed quality in the society. By having the socialization, it is hoped that the smallholders in the village and around could understand more about planting certified and legal seeds. (T2)