InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – Crude palm oil (CPO) tender pada PT. Kharisma Pemasaran Bersama Nusantara (KPBN) Inacom was Rp 12.787/kg on Friday (14/6/2024). It means to get increased Rp 87/kg, or about 0,69% to Thursday (13/6/2024) tender that was Rp 12.700/kg.
What InfoSAWIT got from KPBN, CPO Franco in Belawan and Dumai was Rp 12.787/Kg. Crude palm kernel oil (CPKO) in Lampung was Rp. 16.154/Kg, but in withdraw (WD) with the highest bid Rp. 15.500/Kg. CPKO in Palembang was Rp. 16.011/Kg, but in WD with the highest bid Rp. 15.790/Kg.
What InfoSAWIT calculated on 10 - 14 June 2024, the average CPO tender at KPBN got escalated about Rp 112,60/kg to be Rp 12.659,80/kg or about 0,9% to it in the previous week (3 - 7 June 2024) that was Rp. 12.547,20/kg.
As quoted from Reuters, CPO contract price at Malaysia Derivatives Exchange got escalated on Friday (14/6/2024) because of the decreasing ringgit but CPO contract price still got decreased in the second week in a row.
Still from Reuters, CPO reversed the two day – increasing price because soyoil and crude oil got cheaper at Chicago Board of Trade. CPO reference contract price for August 2024 delivery increased RM 7 per ton or about 0,18% to be RM 3.943 (US$ 836,80) per metric ton in the evening session.
Here are tenders at KPBN (Rp./Kg), excluded income tax on Friday (14/6/2024):
Franco Belawan and Dumai Rp. 12.787-MM, IBP
Lampung Rp. 16.154 (WD) with the highest bid Rp. 15.500-AMJP
Palembang Rp. 16.011 (WD) with the highest bid Rp. 15.790-SAP