InfoSAWIT, ROHUL – Plantation and Livestock Agency Regency of Rokan Hulu (Rohul) did socialization about smallholders replanting program (SRP). It was sponsored by Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency at Hotel Gelora, Thursday, 6 June 2024.
In his speech, Regent of Rohul represented by Assistant II, H. Ibnu Ulya said that the regency did welcome the socialization. He emphasized it would be significant for the people to get SRP because many palm oil plantations are old and need replanting.
“Plantations in Regency of Rohul laid about 758.813 hectares, 59 percent are palm oil plantations. They consist of the government, the private, and independent plantations, and the widest ones in Riau Province,” Ibnu Ulya said, as InfoSAWIT quoted from Information and Communication Agency Regency of Rohul, Friday (7/6/2024).
He continued the plantations do not have the same numbers with the production. It might happen for some factors that the people/smallholders faced, such as, lack of capital, lack of technical knowledge in cultivation.
“PFMA is the need to get fund plan, budge, collection, distributing, responsibility, supervision in smallholders replanting program. PFMA would play its roles to develop human resources, infrastructure helps,” he said.
Meanwhile, Head of Plantation and Livestock Agency, CH. Agung Nugroho said that SRP by having fund helps from PFMA in ther regency has been running since 2017 until now. The technical recommendation from General Directorate of Plantation Ministry of Agriculture totally laid about 4,2 million hectares.
"In 2023, SRP would cover 1.000 hectares. Until now the candidates to get SRP that have been verified and validated online by our agency would lay about 326 hectares. They are from some groups," Agung Nugroho said.
He also said that SRP target realization faced issues, such as, area legal, and the lack of interests of the people to get it. But his agency would do the best to realize te targets that related ministry targeted, such as, by socializing the program. (T2)