InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – Crude palm oil (CPO) tender at PT. Kharisma Pemasaran Bersama Nusantara (KPBN) Inacom was Rp 12.507/kg on Thursday (6/6/2024). It meant to get escalated Rp 69/kg or about 0,55% to Wednesday (5/6/2024) tender that was Rp 12.438/kg.
What InfoSAWIT got from KPBN, CPO Franco in Belawan and Dumai ditetapkan Rp 12.507/Kg. CPO in Kembayan was Rp. 12.507/kg, but in withdraw (WD) with the highest bid Rp. 11.655/kg. CPO in Sei Tapung was Rp. 12.268/kg.
As quoted from Reuters, CPO contract price at Malaysia Derivatives Exchange got escalated on Thursday (6/6/2024) as same as the crude oil did. The traders were still waiting for export and production data in Malaysia as the further clues.
Still from Reuters, CPO reference contract with the code FCPO1 for August 2024 delivery at Malaysia Derivatives Exchange got escalated RM 20 per ton or about 0,5% to be RM 3.926 (US$ 836,21) per metric ton in the morning last session.
It lost 3,8% contract price on Tuesday and the biggest decreasing one day - price since 31 May last year.
Researcher Head of Vegetable Oil Broker in Mumbai, Sunvin Group, Anilkumar Bagani said the company got the cheap purchase offer based on some supporting level after the price got corrected. “Now energy got more expensive in Asia and would deliver further supports,” he said.
The main vegetable oil importer, India hoped to escalate its purchase and China would be more active in the trade. “We predict that the price would be more expensive from this,” Anilkumar Bagani said.
Here are tenders at KPBN (Rp./Kg), excluded income tax on Thursday (6/6/2024):
Franco Belawan and Dumai Rp. 12.507-MM, IBP, KJA
Kembayan Rp. 12.057 (WD) with the highest bid Rp. 11.655-EUP
Sei Tapung Rp. 12.268-SDS. (T2)